Press releases

General Meeting of Shareholders Arcona Property Fund N.V.

14 May 2024

Arcona Property Fund N.V. (the Fund), a listed fund that invests in commercial real estate in Central Europe, invites shareholders to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on Wednesday 26 June at 15:00.

The Management Board will report on the 2023 financial year at the AGM. In addition, the Fund will provide an update on the monetisation process – as adopted on 20 December – and the reverse bookbuilding programme. 


The agenda and annual report 2023 can be found on the Fund's website under the Investor Relations section.

General Meeting of Shareholders Arcona Property Fund N.V.
14 May 2024
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The dividend policy of the Fund is to aim to pay out ca. 35% of the annual operational profit as dividend. This annual distribution may be replaced or supplemented by specific share buyback programmes as approved by shareholders in a General Meeting.

Arcona Property Fund counts the following substantial companies amongst its tenants: