Fund Management

Investor Relations / Fund Management

Arcona Capital Fund Management B.V. (ACFM) is the manager of Arcona Property Fund N.V. ACFM holds an AIFMD license issued by the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (AFM).

As well as managing the Arcona Property Fund ACFM is also the manager of the following investment funds:

  • Middle Europe Opportunity Fund II N.V. i.l.
  • Middle Europe Opportunity Fund III N.V.
  • AC Vastgoed Nederland C.V..
  • AC Den Haag 6.V.
  • AC Dokkum 8 C.V.
  • AC West 9 C.V.
  • AC Paterswolde 10 C.V.
  • AC Doorwerth 11 C.V.
  • AC Rotterdam 12 C.V.
  • AC Groningen 15 C.V.

Relevant documentation concerning Arcona Capital Fund Management B.V. can be downloaded here:

Extract Chamber of Commerce - Custodian
25 October 2022
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Extract Chamber of Commerce - Manager
11 October 2022
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Registratie Document (in Dutch)
1 October 2022
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Privacy policy
14 May 2020
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License Autoriteit Financiƫle Markten (in Dutch)
18 December 2016
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Statutes ACFM (in Dutch)
18 December 2016
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Annual report 2022 (in Dutch)
26 April 2023
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Annual report 2020 (in Dutch)
30 April 2021
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Annual report 2019 (in Dutch)
8 May 2020
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Annual report 2017 (in Dutch)
1 June 2018
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Annual report 2016 (in Dutch)
29 April 2017
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Annual report 2015 (in Dutch)
30 April 2016
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Annual report 2014 (in Dutch)
30 April 2015
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Annual report 2013 (in Dutch)
30 April 2014
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Annual report 2012 (in Dutch)
30 April 2013
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Semi-annual report 2019 (in Dutch)
29 August 2019
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Semi-annual report 2018 (in Dutch)
30 August 2018
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Semi-annual report 2017 (in Dutch)
14 August 2017
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Semi-annual report 2016 (in Dutch)
30 August 2016
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Semi-annual report 2015 (in Dutch)
30 August 2015
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Semi-annual report 2014 (in Dutch)
30 August 2014
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Semi-annual report 2013 (in Dutch)
30 August 2013
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Semi-annual report 2012 (in Dutch)
30 August 2012
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The dividend policy of the Fund is to aim to pay out ca. 35% of the annual operational profit as dividend. This annual distribution may be replaced or supplemented by specific share buyback programmes as approved by shareholders in a General Meeting.

Arcona Property Fund counts the following substantial companies amongst its tenants: