Annual general meetings

Investor Relations / Annual general meetings

All information in respect of the annual general meetings of the Arcona Property Fund and the minutes thereof can be viewed or downloaded here:

Voting results GM 26 June 2024
26 June 2024
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Presentation GM 26 June 2024
26 June 2024
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Minutes EGM 20 December 2023
22 March 2024
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Voting EGM 20 December 2023
20 December 2023
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Minutes GM 27 June 2023
10 October 2023
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Voting GM 27 June 2023
28 June 2023
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Presentation GM 27 June 2023
27 June 2023
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Voting results GM 22 June 2022
24 June 2022
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Minutes GM 22 June 2022
24 June 2022
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Presentation GM 22 June 2022
22 June 2022
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Minutes EGM 5 October 2021
3 November 2021
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Presentation EGM 5 October 2021
6 October 2021
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Minutes GM 16 June 2021
19 July 2021
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Company update 19 March 2020 (in Dutch)
19 March 2020
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Minutes GM 18 May 2017 (in Dutch)
13 October 2017
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Minutes GM 21 June 2016 (in Dutch)
30 August 2016
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Minutes GM 13 May 2015 (in Dutch)
17 February 2016
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Minutes EGM 10 December 2014 (in Dutch)
11 December 2014
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Notulen AVA 19 juni 2014 (in Dutch)
20 June 2014
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Notulen AVA 25 juni 2013 (in Dutch)
3 July 2013
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Notulen AVA 21 juni 2012 (in Dutch)
28 December 2012
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Minutes Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting 25 April 2012
25 April 2012
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Agenda GM 26 June 2024
14 May 2024
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Proxy voting 26 June 2024
14 May 2024
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Convocation GM 26 June 2024
14 May 2024
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Proxy voting EGM 20 December 2023
7 November 2023
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Notes to the Agenda EGM 20 December 2023
7 November 2023
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Agenda EGM 20 December 2023
7 November 2023
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Convocation EGM 20 December 2023
7 November 2023
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Convocation GM 27 June 2023
15 May 2023
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Agenda GM 27 June 2023
15 May 2023
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Notes to the Agenda GM 27 June 2023
15 May 2023
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Convocation GM 22 June 2022
10 May 2022
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Agenda GM 22 June 2022
10 May 2022
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Notes to the Agenda GM 22 June 2022
10 May 2022
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Notes to the Agenda EGM 5 October 2021
24 August 2021
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Convocation EGM 5 October 2021
23 August 2021
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Agenda EGM 5 October 2021
23 August 2021
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Voting results GM 16 June 2021
17 June 2021
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Presentation GM 16 June 2021
16 June 2021
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Agenda GM 16 June 2021
5 May 2021
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Convocation GM 16 June 2021
5 May 2021
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Notes to the Agenda GM 16 June 2021
5 May 2021
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Presentation GM 30 June 2020 (Dutch)
30 June 2020
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Notes to the Agenda GM 30 June 2020
27 May 2020
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Policy APF virtual meeting
19 May 2020
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Agenda GM 30 June 2020
19 May 2020
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Convocation GM 30 June 2020
19 May 2020
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Agenda EGM 19 March 2020
4 February 2020
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Convocation EGM 19 March 2020
4 February 2020
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Notes to the Agenda GM 21 May 2019
8 April 2019
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Convocation GM May 21, 2019
8 April 2019
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Agenda GM May 21, 2019
8 April 2019
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Agenda EGM 2 February 2019
17 December 2018
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Convocation EGM 1 February 2019
17 December 2018
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Convocation GM 24 May 2018
11 April 2018
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Agenda GM 24 May 2018
11 April 2018
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Notification to the agenda 2017
11 April 2018
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Besluitenlijst Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 18 mei 2017 (in Dutch)
18 May 2017
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Presentatie Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 18 mei 2017 (in Dutch)
18 May 2017
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Voorstel statutenwijziging (in Dutch)
6 April 2017
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Stemvolmacht en instructie 18 mei 2017 (in Dutch)
6 April 2017
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Toelichting op de Agenda 18 mei 2017 (in Dutch)
6 April 2017
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Agenda AVA 18 mei 2017 (in Dutch)
6 April 2017
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Oproep AVA 18 mei 2017 (in Dutch)
6 April 2017
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Besluitenlijst Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 21 juni 2016 (in Dutch)
23 June 2016
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Presentatie Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 21 juni 2016 (in Dutch)
22 June 2016
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Akte van statutenwijziging (in Dutch)
10 May 2016
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Agenda vergadering 21 juni 2016 (in Dutch)
10 May 2016
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Stemvolmacht en instructie 21 juni 2016 (in Dutch)
10 May 2016
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Oproep Vergadering 21 juni 2016 (in Dutch)
10 May 2016
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Besluitenlijst Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 13 mei 2015 (in Dutch)
18 May 2015
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Presentatie Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 13 mei 2015 (in Dutch)
13 May 2015
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Oproep aandeelhoudersvergadering 13 mei 2015 (in Dutch)
31 March 2015
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Agenda aandeelhoudersvergadering 13 mei 2015 (in Dutch)
31 March 2015
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Stemvolmacht aandeelhoudersvergadering 13 mei 2015 (in Dutch)
31 March 2015
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Presentatie Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 10 december 2014 (in Dutch)
11 December 2014
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Stemvolmacht en instructie Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 10 december 2014 (in Dutch)
11 November 2014
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Oproep Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 10 december 2014 (in Dutch)
29 October 2014
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Agenda Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 10 december 2014 (in Dutch)
29 October 2014
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Besluiten AVA lijst 5 en 19 juni 2014 (in Dutch)
14 July 2014
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Agenda aandeelhoudersvergadering 19 juni 2014 (in Dutch)
6 May 2014
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Stemvolmacht en instructie PF (in Dutch)
1 May 2014
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Oproep aandeelhoudersvergadering 19 juni 2014 (in Dutch)
1 May 2014
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Vooraankondiging Aandeelhoudersvergaderingen 2014 (in Dutch)
11 March 2014
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Presentatie Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 25 juni 2013 (in Dutch)
3 July 2013
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Oproep aandeelhoudersvergadering 25 juni 2013 (in Dutch)
16 May 2013
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Agenda aandeelhoudersvergadering 25 juni 2013 (in Dutch)
13 May 2013
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Stemvolmacht en instructie PF (in Dutch)
13 May 2013
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Presentatie Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 21 juni 2012 (in Dutch)
28 June 2012
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Oproep aandeelhoudersvergadering 21 juni 2012 (in Dutch)
10 May 2012
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Stemvolmacht en instructie MERE (in Dutch)
10 May 2012
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Statutenwijziging MEI-Real Estate N.V. (in Dutch)
10 May 2012
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Agenda aandeelhoudersvergadering 21 juni 2012 (in Dutch)
10 May 2012
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Presentatie Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 25 april 2012 (in Dutch)
25 April 2012
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Oproep buitengewone aandeelhoudersvergadering 25 april 2012 (in Dutch)
13 March 2012
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Agenda Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders 25 april 2012 (in Dutch)
13 March 2012
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The dividend policy of the Fund is to aim to pay out ca. 35% of the annual operational profit as dividend. This annual distribution may be replaced or supplemented by specific share buyback programmes as approved by shareholders in a General Meeting.

Arcona Property Fund counts the following substantial companies amongst its tenants: