Internal regulations and procedures

Governance / Internal regulations and procedures

The Arcona Property Fund and its manager Arcona Capital Fund Management B.V. have wide-ranging internal governance regulations and procedures in place:

Dufas Principles of Fund Governance

Arcona Capital Fund Management B.V. (ACFM) endorses the DUFAS Principles of fund governance, as formulated by the Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (DUFAS). Following these Principles, ACFM will act in the interests of investors of the funds ACFM manages. In case of a possible conflict of interest, transactions will be submitted to the Supervisory Board for approval.

DUFAS principles of fund governance are presented on the website of DUFAS.


Supervisory Board ByLaws
14 May 2024
Download PDF

The dividend policy of the Fund is to aim to pay out ca. 35% of the annual operational profit as dividend. This annual distribution may be replaced or supplemented by specific share buyback programmes as approved by shareholders in a General Meeting.

Arcona Property Fund counts the following substantial companies amongst its tenants: