Portfolio Poland

107 Kardynala Wyszynskiego Street, Łódź

107 Kardynala Wyszynskiego Street, Łódź

A neighbourhood shopping centre located in the south-western suburbs of Poland´s third largest city. The property was constructed in 2001 and is anchored by a Netto supermarket and a Pepco fashion store.

Address: 107 Kardynala Wyszynskiego Street, Łódź
Category: Shopping centre
Site: With approximately 715,000 inhabitants, Łódź is the third largest city in Poland and the capital of the Lodzkie voivodship. The city is located in the very centre of Poland. Together with surrounding areas, it forms a conurbation of 1.5 million people. The property is located in the Retkinia residential zone inhabited by approximately 70,000 people, making it one of the biggest in the city. The access to the centre is provided via one turnoff which leads up to the primary parking area with 50 parking places.
Property: Leasehold to 2029
Time of origin: 2001
Plot size (m2): 4.998
Surface (m2): 1.610
Occupancy rate: 100%
Parking spaces: 60
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