Portfolio Poland

27 800 Lecia, Inowrocław Lecia

27 800 Lecia, Inowrocław Lecia

A modern neighbourhood shopping centre on the south-eastern fringe of the city.

Address: 27 800 Lecia, Inowrocław Lecia
Category: Shopping centre
Site: Inowrocław Lecia is located in the central part of Poland near to Bydgoszcz and Toruń. The city has approximately 75,000 inhabitants. The site is located on the south-eastern edge of the city, in a residential area comprising apartment blocks and single family houses. The immediate area is served by seven bus lines providing convenient access to the property for customers using public transport.
Property: Freehold
Time of origin: 2010
Plot size (m2): 9.545
Surface (m2): 2.548
Occupancy rate: 100%
Parking spaces: >100
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The dividend policy of the Fund is to aim to pay out ca. 35% of the annual operational profit as dividend. This annual distribution may be replaced or supplemented by specific share buyback programmes as approved by shareholders in a General Meeting.

Arcona Property Fund counts the following substantial companies amongst its tenants: