Portfolio Poland

1 Plutona, Głogów

1 Plutona, Głogów

A modern neighbourhood shopping centre in a high-density residential suburb 1500m south-west of the city centre, anchored by a PoloMarket supermarket.

Address: 1 Plutona, Głogów
Category: Shopping centre
Site: Głogów is a developing medium-sized town in the south-east part of Poland, with a current population of nearly 70,000. The property is located in the city’s largest housing estate, Kopernik, with a population of 22,500. High-rise residential buildings dominate the property’s direct surroundings. Direct access to the car park is on the eastern side of the site, from Plutonowa Street, which connects the property to the main road, Galileusza Street. This nearby road junction is served by bus lines, allowing convenient access to the retail centre by public transport.
Property: Freehold
Time of origin: 2002
Plot size (m2): 5.367
Surface (m2): 1.825
Occupancy rate: 100%
Parking spaces: 62
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