Portfolio Poland

20 Grzymaly Siedleckiego Street, Bydgoszcz

20 Grzymaly Siedleckiego Street, Bydgoszcz

A neighbourhood shopping centre, built in 2002.

Address: 20 Grzymaly Siedleckiego Street
Category: Shopping centre
Site: Bydgoszcz is located in the central part of Poland, near Toruń, and has 360,000 inhabitants. The property is located in the central point of the Wyzyny district, 3.5 km from the city centre. With approximately 30,000 people. Wyzyny is the city’s largest residential area, dominated by high-rise multifamily buildings constructed in the 70s and 80s. The property’s immediate neighbourhood comprises multifamily housing, a church and a few small commercial developments. The property is prominently located in the north western corner of the Pierwszej Armii Wojska Polskiego (PAWP) Square at the junction of Magnuszewska and Wojska Polskiego streets, the district’s primary thoroughfares. This ensures high visibility and easy access by car. The site is served by 6 bus lines and 1 tram line available within 200 metre of the property.
Property: Leasehold to 2025
Time of origin: 2001
Plot size (m2): 4.862
Surface (m2): 1.793
Occupancy rate: 100%
Parking spaces: 64
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